In an Effort to “Spark Joy” Oklahoma Man Donates Can of Tuna

man with can of tuna

Taylor Rabbit, of Norman, Oklahoma, has decided to donate a can of tuna that had been in his kitchen cabinet for five weeks. For hours, Rabbit stared at the can of tuna wondering if he may ever get around to eating it by its expiration date of September 2020. He eventually remembered a hashtag about the new movement to minimize possessions in order to “spark joy” and bingo! Rabbit organized efforts to part ways with the can of tuna.

Upon donating the can of tuna to a local food bank, Rabbit immediately began feeling joy. Although no one at the local food back took him up on his offer of a high-five, Rabbit instead sent out a Tweet to his 27 followers. The Tweet read as follows, “Just donated a can of tuna in an effort to minimize my life, understand what’s truly important, and invite more joy into my days. Peace. #SparkJoy” He was then ReTweeted by his cousin, Brandon.


Following his can of tuna donation, he proceeded to embark on a joy rampage–inflicting his advice on to others regardless if they ask for it or not.


The ReTweet then sparked even more joy in Rabbit. Following his can of tuna donation, he proceeded to embark on a joy rampage–inflicting his advice on to others regardless if they ask for it or not. To date, users on the Citizen app have reported incidents involving Rabbit at least 11 times in the three days following his donation. Some of those posts include:

“Report of man releasing animals from petting zoo in order to ‘spark joy’”

“Man assaulted by another insisting on a high-five and a hug in order to ‘spark joy’”

“Report of man setting fire to a Starbucks and shouting ‘Defeat the far-reaching tentacles of capitalism and spark joy!’”

Mr. Rabbit has since been apprehended by the Cleveland County Sherrif’s Office in Norman. Upon his first meeting with a judge, Mr. Rabbit pleaded not guilty on account of sparking joy.


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Published by NOSHKONG

A food blog. Kinda.

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